Monday, January 4, 2016

Josh Daniel Interview

Hello, sorry for the long break here is my first interview in a while. it is with Josh Daniel, Currently on the tour with the Book of Mormon.
Follow him on Twitter: @captainsmiles
Follow him  on Instagram:@capnsmiles
What advice do you have for people like me who want to be on Broadway or on tour?
Stay the course. The path is bumpy and occasionally disheartening but if there is truly not ONE other thing you can imagine yourself doing, then stay the course. Be you--you are your own secret weapon.
What was your Book of Mormon debut like?
A total blur, to be frank! I'm a swing, so it was the first of 7 tracks I would do in performance, so stressful to say the very least. Of course, though, it is a feeling I'll never forget in a show I will never stop loving. How does the audition and rehearsal work?
Auditions are truly different for everyone based on what you're going in for. I had about 3 auditions for BOM, but I know people who have had less and people who have had more. You've got to trust your own personal journey in this field. Rehearsal is similar--different for everyone! I had 3 weeks before I went into my first track, but three months before I performed all 7!
Biggest blooper?
In San Antonio, TX, at the beautiful (and old) Majestic Theatre, there was a live BAT on stage. Needless to say, the blackouts in "Turn It Off" were a little funnier and a little more stressful that night.
How it felt when you first got cast? I freaked out of course! Over the moon!

  • Dream roles and favorite role you've played? My dream role is to have a role written for me from the ground up. I can imagine no greater honor. And favorite role I've played is a tie between Jack in "Into the Woods" and Edgar in "Bat Boy"
    If you could play any role as a female who would it be?
    Fancy Brice in FUNNY GIRL. Hands down.
    What made you realize you wanted to be a performer?
    I was bitten by the bug early: my mother swears I sang my ABCs in "opera." I feel very lucky to have had this passion thrust upon me at a very early age!
    Besides theatre what other hobbies do you have?
    I like giving back to communities by doing service. I love reading. I am a HUGE political junkie (#feelthebern), but truly there are few things I don't like
    If you weren't a performer what would you be?
    I would drop everything and join the Peace Corps!